Counting Down

We just got back from an overnight to SR, sort of a shakedown.

I have been collecting magazine articles about the areas we are going to be visiting. There is a list of things between us we want to watch out for while we are on the road: Thrift Shops, Senior Lunches, and AA meetings. John is taking his vest in case we stumble across a Lions club along the way. I hope to visit a Yoga studio or two if we stay for a day or two somewhere.

We have added Chadron Nebraska and Red Oak Iowa to our list of places to visit.

There have to be some ground rules about food! Otherwise I am going to put on 20 pounds! Last year on the train trip I put on 5 pounds in only a week. We joke that he is going to have to let me out 5 miles before we get to town and I will walk in.

Onward and upward...

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