
Showing posts from 2009


I am very very close to graduation! All my papers are written, to be turned in this coming week. Finals the following week. Doing what I can, putting one foot in front of the other. I survived Chemestry. My timing could not have been better. The State college system is collapsing fast! Tution has gone up 79% since I started in '06. More money, fewer classes. The enforced furloughs played havoc this semester, knocking out class time on top of the holiday.

Ah Ha Moment

I realized today that I am seriously planted in the transition to LaLa Land. Most of August will be spent there and knowing John a fair amount of my possessions will be relocated there as well.


thanks to Starhawk Webs of Power-Notes from the Global Uprising a rise in the quality of life, in the levels of health, nutrition, education, and satisfaction the rise in income level measured in money is not huge, yet adequate for a creative life beyond merely survival, A lifestyle filled with pleasure and beauty.

Do what you can, joy will follow

Wednesday will be the 13th anniversary of my last drink.