2 day stay at Fish Lake

By the time any of the photos from Fish Lake are posted and you read this we will be back in civilization. There was no wifi or cell here.

We are at 8800', level with the snow. We shared the CG with hunters and cattle. It was 23* when we got up Weds morning and there was frost on the van. There was a raptor, 150' away from us, watching Zoë. Pretty quiet, only cattle sounds and cars going by. We were on a 20 mile scenic loop, Hwy 25.

The morning was clear and the lake sparkled. It got up into the low 50's. The clouds put on quite a show, ending up playing hide and seek with the sun by mid afternoon.

The aspens were well worth the drive. In various stages of turning colors from red to orange to yellow and even some still green. We took a couple of walks and admired the quaking trees.

Tomorrow we head to Torrey where there is supposed to be a couple of highly recommended places to eat, then onto Moab, the first night at a KOA for showers and electricity.