Great Day For Flying

It had stopped raining and the winds seemed gentle at 4:30 this morning as I headed for the launch area. Being that early, security isn't what it will be, so I got back into the pilots area. When I saw the two tables of Zebras ( ground referees) I figured it would be a day for flying. Many had accessorized their black and white attire with pink, (I am guessing to honor the fight against breast cancer.) A large part of the fun here seems for participants and observers alike to wear wildly silly and extravagant head gear.

The Dawn Patrol lit up the sky, followed by the Morning Glow. As the sky lightened the damage done to the fields by the rain became apparent. Many of the rigs had driven into a soggy mess and we watched a couple get pulled out. Many of the balloons were rolled out on tarps to keep them clean. Small toy balloons were released to check out the wind currents. As it got lighter it became apparent why it was so cold. The mountains were covered with snow!

More and more balloons were inflated and lifted off one by one. Every now again I caught a glimpse of a Zebra pointing upward and the sharp shrill call of a whistle. Lots of fun special shapes, many from other nations and continents. There was an onsite announcer describing the action, telling where the ballon was from, who sponsored it and who the pilot was.

The crowd seemed to be having a good time and people were friendly. I never expected to find myself on scene of a mass ascension this large. The balloons were coming down nearby wherever they could find space. The winds did not allow for long leisurely flights. The sky now is blue, filled with small puffy clouds, moving right along in the wind currents. Today a long held dream was fulfilled.

John just changed the air filter on the PU. We are only 3 driving days from home, not making any definite plans, but I am ready to sleep in my own bed, go to my home group, and sell raffle tickets at Senior Lunch!

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