Tuesday 10.24
Today got messy. I am unable to access any of the map functions away from wifi. It happened yesterday and I coped with the map that was left. Today it all went away. There was no finding my location. I am a lousy navigator in English imagine in greek. It doesn't help that there can be 3 or 4 different spellings for the same town. We did see some nice country.
Argos was our first stop, with cherubs around lightposts and a Mark Twain look alike on a park bench. There is of course ruins of a castle at the towns highest point. One shop had a door handle display. In the door, locks are separate.
Mycenae, is said to be older than many of the oldest classic fortresses. High on a hill, nice view of the valley below. There was a no overnight camping signs. We have seen a few motorhomes on the road and signs for camping.
Every city, town and village has a church. Similar in style, some larger, some smaller. You can pick out the shape from a distance as you drive along. There are many unfinished skeleton homes in every area we have visited.
After Mycenae the trip fell apart. I lost my electronic guide. We got as far as the city of Corinth, but never saw the canal. Finally asked for directions to Nafplio. The highway to Athens, then tripoli, turning off for Nafplio.
On our first trip to Nafplio, our driver suggested we stop at a store (word doesn't quite do it justice) with a metal horse outside. Two sections inside-one modern, one ancient had lots to look at. Reclaimed wood, metal, furniture, farm implements, oil jars…the list could go on.
We did make it home, still speaking to each other. Had mixed grill for lunch. I love it when a waiter stops you from ordering more food. With a greek salad and the small mixed grill he said "enough, enough." It was with some left to take home for later.
Argos was our first stop, with cherubs around lightposts and a Mark Twain look alike on a park bench. There is of course ruins of a castle at the towns highest point. One shop had a door handle display. In the door, locks are separate.
Mycenae, is said to be older than many of the oldest classic fortresses. High on a hill, nice view of the valley below. There was a no overnight camping signs. We have seen a few motorhomes on the road and signs for camping.
Every city, town and village has a church. Similar in style, some larger, some smaller. You can pick out the shape from a distance as you drive along. There are many unfinished skeleton homes in every area we have visited.
After Mycenae the trip fell apart. I lost my electronic guide. We got as far as the city of Corinth, but never saw the canal. Finally asked for directions to Nafplio. The highway to Athens, then tripoli, turning off for Nafplio.
On our first trip to Nafplio, our driver suggested we stop at a store (word doesn't quite do it justice) with a metal horse outside. Two sections inside-one modern, one ancient had lots to look at. Reclaimed wood, metal, furniture, farm implements, oil jars…the list could go on.
We did make it home, still speaking to each other. Had mixed grill for lunch. I love it when a waiter stops you from ordering more food. With a greek salad and the small mixed grill he said "enough, enough." It was with some left to take home for later.