Day 9
The map showed a 'scenic route' which followed the Sand Hills. At the crest of one hill you could see the ribbon of road stretching off into the distance. We saw a number of ponds with flocks of White Pelicans! A sign announced we had entered the Central Time Zone.
We were listening to a local radio station and the announcer began a rant about sports with this: "a butt scooting contest on the carpet with a Saint Bernard gives a new definition to a winning streak." It took a second to register and I quickly wrote it down so I would get it right. They also had an announcement of local hospital admissions and releases.
The Sand Hills slowly turned into corn fields as far as we could see. There were little signs by each field with brand names and code numbers. We were in the land of industrial farming. The sky began to clear the closer we got to Lincoln. Fuel seems to be getting cheaper the farther east we go. It was $3.789 in Lincoln.
Tomorrow I hope to visit a young woman pastor I knew as a teen at UCC Camp Caz, who has her own church in Red Oak Iowa.
De Williams
all that I could ever want, I already have