A day at Yelowstone

We spent the day exploring Yellowstone National Park. As I write this an almost full moon is coming up over the lake. Breakfast was eaten overlooking the Madison River. On our way to Artists paint pots we had electrical problems. Before we left John had tossed in an extra trailer plug which got used.

Lunch was at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone overlooking the Cascade Falls. It sounded like the ocean reminding us of home. I got to do a bit os shopping when we visited Canyon Village. Onward to walk the 2/3rds mile around Mud Volcano where we saw a lone bison soaking up the warmth. Along the way there were acres and acres of bison, some taking dust baths, stirring up large clouds of dust.

We dropped the trailer off at Bridge Bay Campground before heading for Old Faithful. Joh wanted to avoid pulling it over the two Continental Divide pass over 8300 feet. Old Faithful was pretty spectacular after all.

The sunset is colorful due to the haze of smoke in the air from distant wildfires.