Made it to Akron

The day started with a light misty rain and shifting cloud formations. We were entertained by a local radio 'Saturday Trading post' where people called in an assortment of items for sale. Local announcements included deaths and funerals and today was the Apple Popcorn Festival.

Large dog house looking structures turned out to be veal pens. The calves were tied to them with enough rope to get out and stand up. John is amazed at the lack of fences. The great expanses of lawn, and today being Saturday many were being mowed on riding mowers. There were clotheslines in many back yards.

We passed the Fleetwood factory in Decatour. I commented on how the houses seemed to be set at an angle to the road and was told it was standard to orient the homes north/south.

Another mechanical difficulty had occurred in what sounds like a stuck lifter. Tomorrow John will get the oil changed and hope it gets unstuck. At least we have the scooter with us for additional local transportation. With luck, we will visit Dr. Bobs home tomorrow. It is open daily from noon to 3pm.

De Williams
all that I could ever want, I already have